Thursday 20 November 2014

Tv advert

When analyzing the advert for Haribo's, I started off looking at a televison advert.
The narrative of the advert is about two teenagers one is a boy one is a girl around the age of 16 both looking face to face and then he ask the girl if she wants a haribo then they both eat a haribo each it cuts into slow motion their lips start to flap about then the girl trys to kiss the boy and creates a lot tension.

At the start of the advert they show a wide shot to show us a general idea of where they are. Then it goes to an over shoulder shot to show who is talking the shoulder shot switches between who ever is talking so there back is not facing the camera. you then get a close up of the actual product and the logo the camera slows down to show you what the product actually does then back to a shot of the product.

The advert is set in front of a house showing that someone is about to go home so that the two people at the front
The only sounds they use is the haribo theme at the end of the advert

I think it was a good advert because it appealed more to teenagers which will make more teenage people want to buy haribos so they will make more money

Th     the advert uses inject drama as an advertising technique because at the start of the advert it is silent and it adds tension to the situation   

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