Thursday 4 December 2014

print advert

Print advert
This advert uses st patricks day as an advertising product by using the word beer and changing it to bear because it sounds the same and relates to the product

There is a jug full of green haribos to make it loook like it is full of beer because it is an irish celebration

There is a picture of the product in the bottom right hand corner so you know what the advert is for

In this print advert there are no characters therefore the bears become the characters for the advert

There is no story to this print advert as it is just advertising st Patricks day

This advert reminds me of a Guinness advert as it is quick and simpe and also relates to drinking

I recon that this advert would be best off in a adult magazine as men usually like things related to drinking and sweets

This advert is aimed at people who enjoy funny adverts and alcohol related adverts

The advert does not use any advertising techniques as it is quite plain and simple

Overall I think this advert is good because it is eye catching for all people as kids will notice it is haribo and adults will think that it could be a Guinness advert and will look more in to it

Thursday 20 November 2014


Tv advert

When analyzing the advert for Haribo's, I started off looking at a televison advert.
The narrative of the advert is about two teenagers one is a boy one is a girl around the age of 16 both looking face to face and then he ask the girl if she wants a haribo then they both eat a haribo each it cuts into slow motion their lips start to flap about then the girl trys to kiss the boy and creates a lot tension.

At the start of the advert they show a wide shot to show us a general idea of where they are. Then it goes to an over shoulder shot to show who is talking the shoulder shot switches between who ever is talking so there back is not facing the camera. you then get a close up of the actual product and the logo the camera slows down to show you what the product actually does then back to a shot of the product.

The advert is set in front of a house showing that someone is about to go home so that the two people at the front
The only sounds they use is the haribo theme at the end of the advert

I think it was a good advert because it appealed more to teenagers which will make more teenage people want to buy haribos so they will make more money

Th     the advert uses inject drama as an advertising technique because at the start of the advert it is silent and it adds tension to the situation   

Radio Advert

This advert is humorous as it is just a bunch of kids discussing which haribos they like to eat

The overall message is that kids enjoy to eat haribos a lot and tell there friends about haribos and why they like them because they want people to know

The only sort of voice that was used is a few children s voices

A high pitch tone was used so you knew it was children

They used the original haribo slogan
It was only mentioned once at the end

There was no contact details because you can get haribos in most shops

They used the theme music for haribo used at the end

The main purpose of the advert was to get you to buy some haribos

I think the advert was good because it was quite funny and it makes you want some haribos so overall I think it's a good advert and makes you buy the product


When analysing the adverts I noticed some similarities in the way Haribo produce adverts. They always seem to appeal to a younger audience which works a lot as a lot of young people buy haribos. In most of the Haribo adverts they use a light hearted approach