Thursday 8 January 2015


 Outline of production

I am going to make a print advert a TV advert and a radio advert each advert advert will be for haribo tangfastics. In the print advert I am going to take photos my self in the tv advert I a going to be working in a group.

Purpose of Production

The purpose of my production is to sell haribos I will try and do this by making the adverts I make intrigue people and make them want to buy this product

Target Audience

My target audience will be people any age as it is well known that people at any age like haribos as they are a treat for children and adults like to buy them for the house

Other Details

The cast will be (me:Callum; Ryan; Sean; Dan) we will work together to create the 3 adverts needed

My aim is to make people want to buy haribo tangfastics

 most of the locations used will be outside as it will be eaiser to make the adverts when they are based outside.